No person is similar to anybody else.,each is unique- that is the nature of intelligence and each is incomparable. Don't compare yourself to anybody, you are you and the other is other, comparison is not possible, but directly or indirectly consciously or in consciously we live in comparison,if you compare you with anybody never respect yourself. Somebody is more beautiful than you, somebody is taller than you, somebody is healthier than you,and somebody is something else than you, somebody has musical voice and you don't have that voice and you will burdened, you will be crushed by your comparisons. You had a beautiful soul, a beautiful being which wanted to bloom, wanted to become a golden flower, but never allowed it, put all these aside, reclaim your innocence, your childhood- drop all the garbage that has been put on you, be fresh and you will be surprised how much intelligence is immediately released. Intelligence is your capacity to see- capacity to understa...
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