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The Intelligence of the head is not Intelligence at all, It is Knowledgeability The Intelligence of the heart is the only Intelligence there is The head is simply accumulated it is never new, never original, it is good for calculation, It is good for day-to-day life, It is good for marketplace but not for your life, it is not a beauty of feeling You will never know the blessings of the heart, love, compassion, prayer, grace of God which only descends through heart, You will never know poetry, prayer, love through knowledge, dance, joy festivity, celebration, laughter, sense of humour, Love sharing comes through the heart only That is true life Life lived through head is mechanical life you become Robot very efficient machine, you have better standards but not life, Life grow through heart only.all that is beautiful all that is valuable all that is meaningful, significant comes through Heart, Heart is your very centre, Head is your periphery ti live on periphery is stupidity beco...



wwpc club

. *WWP 5am VUIP CLUB* Wealth, Wellness & Peace Club समृद्धि, स्वास्थ्य और शांति प्रसारक समहू *_Our Mission & Purpose_* *समहू का लक्ष्य & उद्देश्य* The mission of WWP Club is to provide a mutually supportive & positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop Leadership , Management (may be business , family or any concern), Communication, Healthy lifestyle skills, which in turn foster Self-Confidence and Personal growth. And the most important is *Service Back to Community.* WWP strongly attract and stand with the people who wants to give back to society in any field. *_In order to carry out this mission, this Club shall:_* 1. Bring each and every member to his full potential healthy life . *आम जन को स्वस्थ जीवनचर्या पर लाना* 2. Show/teach paths for Economical well being *आर्थिक समृद्धि के मार्ग प्रशस्त करना* 3. Create Mental well being free from any negativity *एकाग्रचित मानस (चिंता,डर,तनाव...