. *WWP 5am VUIP CLUB* Wealth, Wellness & Peace Club समृद्धि, स्वास्थ्य और शांति प्रसारक समहू *_Our Mission & Purpose_* *समहू का लक्ष्य & उद्देश्य* The mission of WWP Club is to provide a mutually supportive & positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop Leadership , Management (may be business , family or any concern), Communication, Healthy lifestyle skills, which in turn foster Self-Confidence and Personal growth. And the most important is *Service Back to Community.* WWP strongly attract and stand with the people who wants to give back to society in any field. *_In order to carry out this mission, this Club shall:_* 1. Bring each and every member to his full potential healthy life . *आम जन को स्वस्थ जीवनचर्या पर लाना* 2. Show/teach paths for Economical well being *आर्थिक समृद्धि के मार्ग प्रशस्त करना* 3. Create Mental well being free from any negativity *एकाग्रचित मानस (चिंता,डर,तनाव...
Authentic Spirituality Leads to Meditation,Healing, conciousness, Awareness & Emotional Intelligence.