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Showing posts from June, 2016




Follow your life here now, be spontaneous moment to moment, responding each moment. Existence never repeats, every moment creates new fresh alive. You can become only yourself and nobody else,don't try to copy anybody, you have nothing else to become, nothing to chase, you are already that which you wanted to be, you can not seek and search for God because God is already the case. The only way to become a Buddha and only thing to attain is consciousness, awareness. You are choice less awareness. Awareness becomes more and more, higher and higher, when you live moment to moment, here now spontaneous. To live in present moment is the only meditation and here now is awakening, live your life, it is the only reality, all else is the mind. Always follow reality and wherever it leads  go with it. Your potential can be realized when you live moment. You are the barrier because of your unconscious and your identifications. Don't waste your energy in mundane things- in thinking- in ...


Nothing wrong can be given by God to you. If you feel something is wrong , it is your projection. Anger can be transformed into compassion, If there is no anger , the person will never be compassionate. Salvation is fulfillment , life in all fullness. peaceful life who you are to fill within you, the good that has no opposites, the joy of being that depends on nothing outside, itself It is felt, not as  a passing experience but as an abiding presence. <strong>It is to know God </strong>not as something outside you, but as your most innermost essence. True salvation is to know yourself as an inseparable part of the timeless and formless all mighty God. A life from which all that exist derives its being. True salvation is a state of freedom from fear,. from suffering from perceived state of lack and insufficiency and therefore from wanting, needing, grasping and clinging. It is freedom from compulsive thinking ,from negetivity and above all from past and future as...


More you gather knowledge, the more your mind will become immature. Life goes on falling, life goes on changing, your remains the same, because if it is from past, life is here now. when you react , you react from your knowledge, you miss the point because it is not from here now, it is not useful for the life at present, more you function through knowledge, you are facing today with your yesterday, you will never be able to be alive, there is no freshness, no originality, no innocence, you function with your past- you are immature. Children can learn more than adults. If he is left to himself, , he moves freely,spontaneously in present moment, learning comes easy by itself on its own accord. By the time children reaches the year eight he has learn almost seventy percent of whatever he is going to learn in his whole life. You need beautiful being, your innermost being,  not rich in money but rich in your being, you don't need things but an open being learn life of consciousness...


Intelligence is the inborn capacity to see to perceive. Every child is born intelligent and then made stupid by the society, we educate him stupidity, sooner or later he graduates in stupidity. Intelligence is a natural phenomenon as breathing is, just as seeing is. Intelligence is the inner seeing, it is intuitive, it has nothing to do with intellect,intellect is of head, it is taught by others, it is imposed on you, you have to cultivate it, it is borrowed, it is something foreign, it is not in born, but intelligence is inborn. It is your very being, your very nature. Have you ever come over a child who is stupid? It is impossible! But to come across a grown up person who is intelligent is very rare. We are trying to make everybody the same as everybody else, hence destroying every bodies potential for being himself.Intelligence dies in imitating others. If you want to remain intelligent you will have drop imitating, stop become a carbon copy of others, when you think how t...


U Do not force your body and suppress the mind,dance, sing move, run, jog, swim, let he body have all kinds of movements, so your mind also has all kinds of movement and through all those kinds of inner movements, the mind starts catharting, releasing its Poisson. Shout, be angry, beat a pillow and you will be surprised. Don't hurt anybody, beat pillow. Become empty of all rubbish that has been accumulated in you from your very childhood and then wait, a silent starts descending in you, that silence has beauty of its own. When the silence comes not a single thought arises, not that you suppress it, not that you keep watch, not that you became very light and you want allow a single thought to pass. you are not struggling, you are in a let go but nothing arises. That is beautiful when no thought arises. When thought disappear of their own accord.Then you are utterly silent and this silence is positive, the forced silence is negative. Now he who is looking inward suddenly forg...


  You are only 7% conscious 93% is your unconsciousness. You are in thoughts- in dreams- in desires-in illusions. In Maya you see everything which is not there. Even during day time you are in day dreaming, ypur inner chattering always continuous. You have only limited life, your senses are very weak, you can see only few feet, heaes upto small distance, touch superficial, taste smell everything limited and you are only 7% have created mind by learning all borrowed thoughts and logic which are not yours. Your mind only lives in past and future only.The past is dead and future has not come yet, and how it be we never know. Man lives with this dead past and imagination of future time. It is stupidity to live in past and future which are all illusions. The present moment is not time, if you can live here now in present moment it takes you beyond time and beyond mind in infinity in divine world- Kingdom of God . You are looking on all objects outside you, never ...


No person is similar to anybody else.,each is unique- that is the nature of intelligence and each is incomparable. Don't compare yourself to anybody, you are you and the other is other, comparison is not possible, but directly or indirectly consciously or in consciously we live in comparison,if you compare you with anybody never respect yourself. Somebody is more beautiful than you, somebody is taller than you, somebody is healthier than you,and somebody is something else than you, somebody has musical voice and you don't have that voice and you will burdened, you will be crushed by your comparisons. You had a beautiful soul, a beautiful being which wanted to bloom, wanted to become a golden flower, but never allowed it, put all these aside, reclaim your innocence, your childhood- drop all the garbage that has been put on you, be fresh and you will be surprised how much intelligence is immediately released. Intelligence is your capacity to see- capacity to understa...


You can be angry only when you are unconscious, you forget yourself. If you are aware , conscious, anger is not possible. You see all the objects in other world but you never look upon yourself. For awareness self remembering is needed. If you can be continiously aware on yourself you become more conscious and there is no thoughts, mind stops. No mind is created and you are in your nature- silent and peaceful, alert and aware. You are at home, in your being. You can not do anything wrong. Anger,greed, sex, crime, hate , murder, rape , robbery- these all can be done only when you are unconscious. All sins can be done only when you are unconscious, Y can become unconscious when you think. Be more and more alert and aware by living in present moment, here and now  and having continious self remembering. When you live and experience yourself your life immediately changes- self relaxation (Vidhya). Science experiments on matter and gets the knowledge but by knowing it your life...